Friday, March 30, 2007

Tagged... AGAIN!!

I am once again tagged.. this time by no one but lovely Aiyee.. Hope u're having a good time back in Malaysia.. enjoy your trip dearie!! :)

Glad to see 2006 go?
- Time waits for no one...

Did u change your hair in 2006?

The best part of 2006?
-Spending time with peeps back in college although it was a critical exam year!!!!

The worst part of 2006?
-A2 EXAMS!!!!!

Any new crushes in 2006?
- nope.. not really.. not many cute guys in college.. hehehe.. sorry guys!!! :P

Who will u never forget?
- my college mates from sunway!!! I miss each and everyone of u!!!

Who do u wish u didn't meet?
- no one.. to have met a person means u are fated to know one another.. so.. nope.. no regrets at all!!! :)

Did u have a boyfriend in 2006?
- How do u define that?? as in guy friend or boyfriend boyfriend?? hahaaha.. ying being in a auper hyper mode.. cos it's the weekend now.. hahaha.. ANSWER: no.. :(

Did u fall in love in 2006?
- nope

Did u catch someone in lie in 2006?
-Not that I can remember...

Funniest moment of 2006?
-There were too many!!! :)

Most embarassing moment of 2006?
-Cant remember.. hahaha..

Did u take any vacations in 2006? Where?
- Perth, Australia.. Miri... Kuala Lumpur.. I just had to go back to visit my frens!!! :)

Any new hobbies of 2006?
- nope

Did u get a new job in 2006?
-volunteered at the salvation army for 8 months..

Did u lose a job in 2006?

Did u host a party in 2006?
-Not really...

Where did most of your money go?
-Where else??? hahaha.. SHOPPING!!! :)

What song will always remind u of 2006?
-Kiss Goodbye from Lee hom.. hahaha.. was sooo crazy about it.. hehehe

Biggest Achievement in 2006?
- passing a levels!!! hehehe!!! :P

Biggest Failure of 2006?
- nope

In 2006, did u lie to miss a day of work/school?
-ummm.. now let's not get into this topic eh.. haha.. Kidding.. of course not!!! I'm such a goood gal!!! hehehhe :)

Did u move in 2006?
-Back home.. from Sunway.. :(

What was your greatest musical discovery?
-None.... unfortunately...

What was the best book u read?
-Quite a few actually.. ummm... The falling leaves has always been a favourite of mine..

What was your favourite movie of the year?
-Too many!! I'm a movie goer!!! hehehe.. but sense and sensibility was very good!!!

What did u want in 2006 and got?
- My car?? Hahaha.. actually i never asked for it.. so this is a difficult question.. ummm.. a lot of stufff i gues.. I am blessed to have wonderful parents!!! :)

What did u want in 2006 but didn't get?
- Nothing?

Did u make out in public in 2006?

What's the ringer on your cellphone?
- I dont know the name of the song.. but it's the 8th song on cao ge's album..

Who did u miss?
- everyone back home..

Who was the best new person u met?
- Everyone i've met in Aus!!! :)

What one more thing would have made your year immeasurably more exciting?
- nothing at all!! I would never change 2006 for anything in the whole wide world!!!

Your favourite commercial in 2006?
- none..

Something u couldn't leave home without in 2006?

How did u spend New Year's 2006?
-Celebrated parents' wedding anniversary!! yup.. it's a dual celebration every year!! :)

Valentine's Day 2006?
- Nothing much.. but the guys were sweet enough to get us all chocs!! hahaha... :) Thanks guys!! You guys are the bestest in the world!!

Easter 2006?
- dont celebrate that

Halloween 2006?
- Nothing much happening in KCH..

Thanksgiving 2006?

Christmas 2006?
-Home.. with family.. :)

Your birthday?
- Suprise from college mates!!!

Tag (8 bloggers)
1. Ping
2. Natalie
3. Cindy
4. Xinyi
5. Esther
6. Ada
7. Charles
8. Ena

1 comment:

pinkrollingstone said...

I promise to reply the tag soon! >< I got my test coming up next week but in one week's time I'd be on hols and I'd be in a awesome mood to tag you back :D

How are you doing? hehe. yes I've added you on msn :) mine's :)

Hope you are enjoying uni life!
take care ok! I'd tag you soon!
