Thursday, October 18, 2007

Summer plans

Summer is coming here in Australia.. I was looking forward to going home for a long long long break.. but now.. plans have changed.. this girl now has to stay here for summer cos she didnt do well for one of her units..

I've had a super stressed and tensed out sem.. Things weren't as smooth sailing as I hope it was.. things changed.. people changed.. but through it all.. life moved on.. this one period I got to see the people who sincerely cared for me here in Australia.. I saw who my frens were.. through it all.. I guess one just learns to grow up.. to mature and take life as it comes. To just pick up the broken pieces and live life to the fullest!! I'm looking at this summer optimistically.. I know it would be a great time.. at the same time it's gonna be lots of hard work.. :) Who knows.. this might very well be one of the best summers in my life, no? ;)

Frens who have left to go home, namely, adeline, jeff, will, jin and arnold.. it's been a great year in Melbourne with u guys around.. u guys have been awesome! Good frens.. and am looking forward to seeing u guys when u guys come back next year.. best of luck through out summer.. and enjoy the hols! Especially with all of your travelling plans! :)

I have exactly SEVEN weeks before I head back to Kuching for the Christmas break.. hehehe.. I'll be home for a month.. then coming back to Melb for the exams.. then will be heading home again for CNY.. hehehe.. peeps.. am looking forward to seeing u guys when i'm home.. hehehe.. Take good care everyone! I'll update more often.. hehehe.. wish me luck in studying.. AND househunting!! hahhaa.. God Bless!!

All my love,

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