Thursday, August 09, 2007

Amazing Grace

William Wilberforce (1759-1833)

This is definitely one of the best films ever!!! Amazing Grace... It's amazing how one man's determination, his will, his perseverance, his faith.. changed the world.. William Wilberforce, possibly one of the most respected man in history, he changed the world, how?? He was the one who made sure that the Slave Trade was abolished.. To imagine a man of such a young age at that time, was sooooo determine on one issue, which affects the good of mankind.. FIFTEEN years before he saw result.. peeps, ask yourself this one question.. how much time are YOU willing to spend on a matter which you consider close to your heart but is not exactly of a direct influence to you??? William Wilberforce could not stand the issue of men being traded to other men.. when he believes that The Lord Almighty created men to be equals.. Nobody belongs to another man but to God...

I strongly suggest anybody who has yet had a chance to catch this film to go for it.. there will be no regrets what so ever.. you will not walk out of the cinema thinking u have wasted 10 dollars/ringgit.. It is in it's own way sending a message saying for as long as you're determine, you will succeed.. :) God bless!!!

~Amazing Grace~

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