Monday, May 21, 2007


This is soooo funny.. I got this from Daphne's blog.. found it interesting.. mana tahu.. i press another couple of times.. i keep on getting different definitions.. hahaha.. the original one was suppose to be a person who laughs at everything.. haaha.. i like this one better!!! Hahahaha.. *vain* ;)

Foo Ying Ying --


A master blogger

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at


Anonymous said...

mine's extremely extreme...hmm...

Satya said...

pehh... my first one was so not flattering, wei! it said-

extremely flatulant

where got!

hahaha... then i got random stuff like "hermit living in the big city"

the one i like is, "expert at detecting the presence of goblins" hahahahahaha