Thursday, February 01, 2007


SORRY for not been updating... hehe.. i've been reminded a couple of times to update.. but apparently have nothing much to blog about.. hehe.. anyways.. i did something pretty random today... hehe.. as all of u in kch should know.. the weather here has gone pretty crazy.. hehe.. it's sunny for like 10 mins and it's pouring for the next hour also!! anyways... i thought since it was sunny this evening i should wash my car ( given i havent done so for 2 weeks now!! ).. in the midst of getting ready ( i already vacummed my car and was preparing to splash water onto it ).. the most unexpected thing happen.. it started to rain!! haihzz.. and it was still sooooo bloody sunny!! My grandma was shouting for me to come in.. but then i came out with a fantastic idea.. hehe.. why not just soap my car under the rain and let the rain water cleanse it off??? hehe.. so imagine.. my kakak and i each took an umbrella.. armed with a cloth and a bucket of soap water each and started washing the car... hehe.. mana tahu.. half way through.. the rain stopped and we ended up needing to get water to rinsed the car after all!! haha!!!

This is complete randomness!! hehe!! :P


pinkrollingstone said...

hey... what a good way to save our earth's precious resources! :)

Anonymous said...

Ying Ying! Happy Chinese New Year!!